Sunday, January 13, 2013

A God of Miracles

"There are only two ways to live your life.  One is as though nothing is a miracle.  The other is as though everything is a miracle."- Albert Einstein

I've spent the Sabbath just as I said I would.  I've read my Bible, read in my Malachi study, watched a video session.  Finished one book, and watched two football games.  Talked with Wallace.  Journaled some.  And read in another book... a "self-help" book, if you will.  One of those free books on kindle, called Life is a Verb...and isn't that title true?

The above quote was in that book and I had to pause reading to write this blog. You see, I'm a firm believer in miracles.  And today in church, I had this very thought. 

Today, the back couple rows in church where we usually sit were pretty crowded.  My in-laws came because Greg and Regina were dedicating Will back to the Lord.  Regina's dad came.  The last two pews filled up.  I slipped out of my seat as everyone else was getting settled in and went up and sat behind my Grandpa. I was fine sitting by myself.  I stood up for the singing and Wallace came up and sat with me. "I didn't know where you went to, " He said.

We sang and then Pastor Kemper performed the dedication ceremony.  Baby Will was so well behaved, sucking on his fist the whole time.  My sweet baby was sitting with his Nana Helen in the back.  I slipped my arm through Wallace's as the message started.  Centered in Mark 10, "Suffer the little children to come unto me."  The message was good, talking about how we all have to be like children, and how children were dependent and trusting and forgiving and innocent.  Especially poignant in light of Will, and also because Pastor Kemper's daughter Lindsey had been in a car accident Friday night.  She's got a pretty bad concussion, and has some scrapes and knots and is pretty sore and shaken up, but it could have been so much worse.

Dana and Lisa sang about How Great our God is... and He is that.  And I was thinking of miracles, miracles like Will and Lindsey and Wallace after his wreck.  How very thankful I was that I was sitting right there next to him, holding his hand during that church service.  Of Caleb and how wonderful he is even in his meannes.  Of sweet baby Jaycee, so small and tiny, at UK hospital, born so very early yet overcoming every obstacle in her way.  Of Savannah and Robert and Jeannie and Emmy... living, breathing miracles.  Wallace fingered my wedding band as he held my hand, and I was reminded again of how everything can change in an instant. 

God is good... miracles happen.  Because His grace is MORE than sufficient.  And special prayers for continued recovery for Lindsey, for continued strength for Jaycee (and for her to maintain her oxygen levels and keep growing), and for Savannah and family as she prepares for upcoming surgery for her leg.  He's still a God of miracles!

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