Tuesday, January 8, 2013

A Busy Day

How is it already 9 PM?  Time for bed yet I've not read my Bible today.  Got up, went to work, got a lot done, came home, worked with Caleb on fractions and language arts and spelling and reading and reading some more, walked on the treadmill, took a bubble bath (today was National Bubble Bath day- who knew?), ironed Wallace's clothes... you get the picture.

I'm sure you understand.  You might have had a day just like this. I'm tired, and I need God's Word, but I really wanted to try to write a blog every night, so this is my effort.  And it's for the glory of God, because I couldn't have done any of the above without Him. Especially not fractions =)

Short post tonight... might have something more meaningful tomorrow. Now, I'm going to sign off and go read Caleb some out of Genesis and then probably a chapter of Bridge to Terabithia...because out of all of my jobs, that's the most important one.  And His grace is sufficient enough for me to do it for His glory, even when I make a mess of it =)

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