Sunday, January 1, 2012

2012- Plans, Hopes and Dreams

"Every new year people make resolutions to change aspects of themselves they believe are negative. A majority of people revert back to how they were before and feel like failures. This year I challenge you to a new resolution. I challenge you to just be yourself."-Aisha Elderwyn

As I mentioned yesterday, every year I resolve to make changes, but never fully live up to those resolutions. I know that those people who talk about making resolutions at New Year say to focus on only one or two things, and you'll be more likely to succeed. Some say not to even make resolutions at all, because when you are unsuccessful, it only makes you feel worse about yourself. When I look at my life, though, there are several things I want to change, and the new year is always a great time for reflecting. I know starting out that I'll come up short, but one of my favorite quotes is "Always reach for the moon, because if you miss, you'll still land amidst the stars."- Les Brown. That being said, here are some of the lofty goals I have set for myself.

First and foremost, I want to be a "better" person. I recognize this is pretty general, so by saying this I want to be happier, more patient, more even-keeled. I want to do better at being a wife (and yes, housecleaning falls under this title... yuck), I want to do better at being a Mom, a better daughter, a better sister, a better friend, a better teacher. This goal is going to take a lot of work, because it puts me out of my comfort zone. Listening first, and long. Keeping my mouth shut. Counting to ten. Being more patient. Tolerating, even seeking, extroversion when what I really want to do is go home and read a book.
One way I see to help me do this is more quiet time alone with God. Reading my Bible all the way through (I am really excited, Holly got me a chronological Bible to help with this goal), and being more disciplined about my praying. (Sometimes all I get to is "God, please help..." or "bless so-and-so.") Doing more in-depth Bible studies... I want to try to do at least 4.

A better me means a healthier me, too. Exercise more. Get at least 10,000 steps/day. Lose weight (at least 20 pounds would be nice, if I could push past that, great!) Sleep more... good quality sleep, not an hour here and three hours there. Go to bed at a decent time. Use my time wisely... make each moment count. Be more organized, procrastinate less... be less stressed out 24/7.

More me time: read at least 75 books. Blog every day, even if it is just a couple of sentences. Take a pic every day of something that has defined that day. Reflect more. Laugh more...and start taking myself less seriously. Keep a one sentence, every day gratitude journal with at least three things I am thankful for. Cross one thing off my bucket list.

2012 is looking to be an exciting year- Kami graduating, Holly getting married, and who knows what else on Twin Cedar Road? I can say I'm excited. I'm looking forward to the challenge of improving myself, and maybe influencing someone else in the process. Proverbs 16:3, "Commit your action to the Lord, and your plans will succeed." Give this year to God, and you'll be amazed at what He will give you in return. Good luck on your new year's resolutions. If you're not sure where to start, I'd highly recommend the book The Happiness Project by Gretchen Ruben. Many of my ideas came from her book... and her attitude about life was so like mine it was scary! Happy New Year!!!

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