Monday, January 30, 2012

Manic Monday

Today's been one of those days. You know the kind, where you feel like you've conquered the world, then all the sudden someone or something comes along and lets all the air out of your balloon, and you float to the ground, deflated. Yep, it's been a Monday...

It started out not so bad... got my promotion notebook turned in, a couple of other things marked off the to do list, walked outside 45 minutes in downtown Jackson enjoying the beautiful sunshine and the wind blowing through my hair. And then it all went to pieces.

You know when it has been so very, very good that something is going to come along and knock you down. Life is like that, a crazy roller coaster ride. And I enjoy roller coasters, but there's that feeling in the pit of your stomach when you're sitting at the top getting ready to coast down.

Life is made to send us curve balls. Sometimes we swing and hit a grand slam, and most of the time we don't. And it's in those times when we strike out that our true character shows. When we strike out, it's easy to want to cower in the dugout and never step up to the plate again. (Trust me, I've struck out a LOT in my three years in Ponytail League... I'm speaking from experience). But just like a baseball game, we've got other people cheering us on, depending on us to step back up to the plate.

So even when I feel like I'm a failure, like I'm not doing things right, like I'm not worth it, I am. Even when I strike out, there's still another at bat. And if there isn't, it just means that my work here is finished. Same for you. Even when we feel like failures, worthless, there's a Coach in the sky telling us differently. He died for us. He's working on our imperfections. He's pinch hitting for us when we feel like we can't swing one more time.

"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail."
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
He never said we had to be perfect. He just said we had to keep striving.

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