Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A January of Thankfulness

I've wrote about my Joy Dare, given by Ann Voskamp, the author of 1000 gifts. I've struggled some days, but then I am reminded of her "ugly-beautiful", and how sometimes even what doesn't appear as good is really working underneath the surface. This month of gratefulness has opened my eyes and I'd like to think change me for the better. I've still been impatient, angry, demanding, but I've also been overall more cheerful, loving, and kind. I've kept my eyes wide open and really looked, noticing things that I probably never would have noticed before. So, without further ado, here are my gifts of January, all 93 of them.
Well, maybe not all 93 of them... but you'll get the gist.

In January, I am thankful for snow. Heat. Blue Uggs. My old computer that my Dad bought me to get me through grad school that is now duct-taped together. My Kindle. I love you. My job. Sarah Young's Jesus Calling. My planner. Diet Coke. William fixing my brakes. The sunlight playing off the creek as I walked. Caleb's hugs. Him skyping me at work to tell me he loves me. Wallace playing with my hair... even when he sometimes pulls it. Kami's yellow car in the driveway, meaning she's home safe. The birds singing even when it is cold outside. Caleb singing in the living room as I try to relax taking my bath. Safe travels home in the snow. A good trip to town with my boys. Happiness over ballgame wins. My family's health. Thinking about being still. Reflecting on God still being God. Jeremiah 1:5. Matthew 6:33. Hebrews 10:27. The sun shining. My Bible. Nursing students. Clouds in the sky. Christ's redemption. Christ's perfect love. Christ's peace. My family. The history of Lees College Campus. Casting Crowns music. Writing. Love. Beauty.

Gratefulness... opens my eyes. Doesn't make it perfect, but makes it better.

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