Friday, October 12, 2018

The Doxology of Praise

Praise God from Whom all blessings flow...

all of them. every good and perfect gift comes from above.

Praise Him all creatures here below...

every creature on earth praises Him in their own way. The trees sway in the wind. The blue skies reflect the sun and the birds swoop through the clouds. The flowers, fragrant with their unique smells, turn their face to the sun. Every creature...

Praise Him all ye Heavenly Host...

even though we can't see them, there's a heavenly host praising God right now. Singing songs. "Holy, holy,holy, Lord God Almighty..."

Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost...

Father who loves us enough to send His Son, Jesus who is our Savior, the Holy Ghost who is our Comforter... The trinity...


This post is a Five Minute Friday free write, where we write for five minutes unedited on one prompt. This week's word is Praise. This is also a part of the write 31 days series about telling my story. May my story be one of praise, even in the difficult times, because He is worthy.

For more posts in this series, visit here

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