Wednesday, October 24, 2018

LIfe's Brief

Telling our story often means revealing to others what make us tick. There are some things we hide, guarding those elements of our story tightly. There are other parts of the story that are like movie trailers... anyone who knows anything about us know those familiar lines.

One such part of my story is my love for reading. Ask anyone who knows me very well, and they'll be able to assure you that part of my world revolves around a good book.

Or even a not so good book.

I read them all. Any kind of genre. Old or new. Fiction or nonfiction. More than one book at a time.

Some books, I love to savor. It takes me a while to read them because they are thought provoking and deep.

Sometimes, though, I just need something light-hearted. Easy to read. Something that I don't have to think about.

The size of the book really doesn't matter... because sometimes even the longest book can be brief...

If it's a story you're really interested in.

It's like the old saying. "Time flies when you're having fun.". That's what our lives are like, here on earth. Some weeks seem to drag by, as we punch the time clock and cross the to do list off, going through the motions. Other weeks fly by... because they are full of life and adventure and laughter.

Regardless of how we perceive the time, though, ultimately our time on earth is brief. We have to make the most of it. Get the most bang for our buck.

And pack as much in our storyline as we can...

because we only have a set number of pages.

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