Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Pray It Out

Every story has an author.

A cast of characters.

Interaction between those characters, or at least intrapersonal interaction within the main character.

Our stories are no different. As Donne said, "No man is an island."

We were created for relationship, even though some of us have to be dragged kicking and screaming.

Relationship with one another... and relationship with God.

A post earlier in this series was about communication... inadequate or inappropriate or whatever other negative connotation it can take.

For any relationship to be successful, communication has to be open.

The ultimate form of communication is with the author of our story, and through this communication we can know which direction we are headed. Yet too often we fail to reach out.

I'm just as guilty. I often plan and plot and complain and worry and obsess before I do the one thing that is the most effective...


Prayer changes things. Prayer gives us the ability to feel His presence. Prayer enables us to pour out our hearts and get rid of our burdens. Prayer humbles us, reminding us that God is in control... which can be a comfort if so many of us weren't control freaks.

As I write my story every day, day in and day, full of mundane events, may I remember to seek You first, Father. To pray without ceasing and allow You to take the pen.

This post is a part of the write31 days series using prompts from Five Minute Fridays, where we free write, unedited, for five minutes on a one word prompt. Todays prompt? Pray

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