Sunday, October 21, 2018

Starting Again

Today I got a text from a friend about a personal best in a 5K. I was happy for her, genuinely, because I know she's worked hard.

I got the text as I was walking, trying to force myself to put one foot in front of the other. I had logged onto my C25K app for the first time in a few weeks... and not because I had been using my C210K app instead.

I struggle with motivation. I am great at envisioning things, but not so much in carrying them out. I get excited, and do ok, but then sizzle out. And let's face it, when it's cold outside it's so much easier just to snuggle up on the couch and lose myself in Facebook. I'm usually not even doing anything productive, just numbing myself by scrolling down my newsfeed.

I started to write today I did what I'm good at, starting the app...

but realized that's not being completely honest, either. Part of my procrastination is sometimes linked to a hesitancy to start, because of fear or uncertainty or just downright laziness.

I sometimes start, but I don't finish well.

I don't like that about myself. I wish I had more motivation. I'm not sure how to get it...

but tomorrow is another day and I'll start over. We have to just keep starting, every day, sometimes, every hour... knowing that He promises that if we'll be faithful, He'll do His part. We have to start, but then endure to the end. Those who endure to the end shall be saved.

Sometimes endurance looks like a straight line, bulldozing ahead...

but sometimes it looks like a series of starts and stops and starting again...

This is a part of the write 31 days series, using free write prompts from Five Minute Fridays. Today's prompt was start.

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