Wednesday, April 11, 2012

To Walk in Their Own Counsel

"But My people would not heed My voice, and Israel would have none of Me. So I gave them over to their own stubborn heart, To walk in their own counsels." Psalm 81:11-12

When I was young, I was stubborn.  Ok, maybe I'm still stubborn, but I was really stubborn as a teenager.  I didn't like to listen to the good advice from my Mom and Dad.  I'm surprised my eyes didn't get stuck in an upward position from all of the eye-rolling I did.  As humans, we like to do it our way, regardless of the consequences.

God knows this, but He has a better way.  And He (Jesus) is the only Way.  God is a gentleman, and lets us make up our own mind.  He also is a God of second choices (and third... and fourth... and fifth... can I get an Amen? and a Thank You Jesus?) He is also a Jealous God.  And this verse really scares me... because I am so stubborn.

Basically, this verse says God got tired of dealing with the Israelites.  Now remember, these were His chosen people.  And He loved them so much that He... you know the drill.  Sent His Son, to His own people, but they received Him not.  Which is kind of good for us, because it means we can be grafted into His kingdom... but I digress. And jumped into the future... Sorry, back to those Israelites.  He saved them from the Egyptians and fed them Manna from Heaven (one verse called it Angel Food).  They grumbled. He told them He'd fight their battles for them and give them the Promise Land... they disobeyed Him and left their enemies in the country to plague them in the future.  He gave them judges yet they did as they saw fit.  They wanted a King, He gave them one, and still they complained.  So...

He gave them over to their own stubborn hearts, to walk in their own ways.  I'm shuddeirng a little now.  How often have I been stubborn with God, walking in my way even when there wasn't a path?  Stumbling and falling and begging God to come pick me up, only to dust off my bloody knees and continue on my own path?  Lord, please don't leave me to my own defenses. Search my heart and show me areas that may be stubborn.  Remove my pride.  Somedays I barely even know my own name... I sure don't need to be walking in my own counsel.  Give me wisdom to follow You.  And thank You for pursuing me... again, and again.  How awesome are You? 

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