Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Day Between Friday and Sunday

Good Friday... a dark day that had to be.  Good because to us, it allowed us the opportunity to have eternal life.  Good because Jesus took on our sins, looked punishment in the face, and was separated from His Father so that I wouldn't have to be.  Good because the curtain was torn, and no longer was God just some higher Presence.  God no longer dwelled in a temple room; He could dwell in me.  In you.  In anyone who could believe.  Religion turned into a relationship, just as God wanted it in the garden all those years ago. 

Jesus had promised He would die, and then in 3 days rise again.  He faced death willingly, thinking of you and me.  He cried out, Father, forgive them.  For so long, I thought that He was talking about those who nailed Him to the cross, those who pierced His side, those who mocked Him and rejected Him.  Recently, though, it hit me.  He was talking about me.   Father, Forgive Lauren for when she is mean-spirited.  Forgive her for when she willfully disobeys, for when she gossips and when she refuses to turn the other cheek.  Forgive her for when she is jealous and hateful and just wrong.  Forgive her... I have her sin nailed down.  It is finished...

As He took one last breath, how did they feel?  His disciples, not knowing if they could really believe.  Sure, they had seen Lazarus come out of the tomb, but this was so final.  Darkness in the middle of the day, not knowing who they could trust.  Mary, His dear mother, chosen by God Himself as a young woman.  Oh, how she had loved that boy.  He had always been special.  He was chosen, and knew to be about His father's business.  No doubt she remembered the visit from the angel, the night in the manger, the fear she felt when she was separated from Him when He was 12.  Was this the end?  The final separation?  All those who followed Him.  They had been healed, demons cast out, shown perfect love when everyone else rejected them. Who would love them now?

Dawn on Saturday, a new day of wonderment.  Surely every hour drug by.  How they must have feared.  Would they be next, guilty by association?  Huddled together, not knowing what to expect.  Can a man they saw die really come back again?  They had watched Him, beaten beyond recognition.  They had heard the nails being driven into the Cross.  They had watched Him suffer.  They had denied His name themselves.  24 hours, full of fear, guilt, shame.  Loss.  Grief... and possibly a hint of unbelief? 

Yes, Friday was dark.  Saturday might have even been darker.  But oh, my friend... then came Sunday!  A stone rolled back, a tomb empty. Can you imagine their excitement, their rejoicing... their doubting.  Was this a trick?  Could it be that someone had stolen His body?  Ah, to be in that room when Jesus appeared... love shining out of His eyes.  Victor over death.  Our redeemer... the Word in flesh, made whole again. 

You may be facing dark times.  Remember, Sunday is coming, and with it will be redemption.  And we will see Him, split the Eastern skies, the Prince of Peace, King of Kings, Lord of Lords.  Every knee will bow.  The government will be upon His shoulders, and His Kingdom will be everlasting. 

Hope your Easter is a special one.  Jesus loves us so much.  He'd love to visit with you at church on Sunday.  He wants you to get to be a part of that Heavenly Kingdom.  He's already paid the price. 

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