Friday, June 21, 2013

The Rhythm of our Lives

Linking up with Lisa Jo Baker, where we write for five minutes about the prompt, not hesitating, not editing, just filling up that white space on my screen.  Today's word:Rhythm (which I can barely spell when I am thinking about it... so I'm sure it will be misspelled in this post.  I apologize now). 
Five Minute Friday

Next week I'm going to the beach.  I can hardly contain myself.  I've never been to this particular beach before.  Apparently, it's mainly undeveloped, with lots of shoreline and little commercialism.  I can't wait. 

As I'm sitting here right now, I can hear the waves hitting the shore.  There's something about those waves that bring me peace.  In they come, and then pull the sand back out, one after another, establishing a rhythm that soothes my soul.

You can hear it, a symphony of waves and seagulls, of the sun beating down (which doesn't have a sound, really, but as it soaks up into your skin, seems to).  The rhythm lulls me to sleep most of the time, or I become so intoxicated from the sound and the sun and the sand between my toes that I'm lethargic.  Soaking it all in.

Other rhythms in my life include the hustle and bustle of my work, the keyboard click, click, clicking as I type lecture notes, the rhythm at the hospital as the IV pumps beep and the phones ring and I rush up the hallways with my students.  The rhythm of a basketball, bounce, bounce, bounce on the wooden floors, of referee whistles and my husband yelling, "Go!  Go!"

Rhythm, a repetitive motion that keeps time.  That marks our lives, as the seconds and the minutes and the hours go by.  We establish a rhythm, good or bad.

I talked Wednesday about going through the motions. This happens when we are lulled into mediocrity by the rhythms of our lives. 

Instead, I want to strive to meet God's rhythm for my life...


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