Monday, June 3, 2013

Thankful for Lazy Mondays

The towels are piled up on my couch and the dryer has finally stopped and still the clothes spill over the laundry basket.  The webinar I'm listening to for clinical hours is playing in the background and the sun is shining, just a hint.  And I'll fold one more towel and hang up one more shirt and tomorrow it will all be there again.  I don't see how women with three or more kids do it... but they do.  And we all have our own challenges.

But today I've been granted a lazy day.  My husband is just glad to be home and isn't really worried that the laundry is spilling over, again. 

Off he went to work this morning, followed by an exuberant Caleb, headed to summer school activities, just for fun.  It's a summer camp at school and he was ready by 7 AM.  I only wish he could be as excited during the school year... maybe he's already bored, but I can't help but think it's because he gets to ride with his Daddy again...

As I walk to the fridge, there's strawberry jelly on the floor... again. 

And I bend over and wipe it up, thankful that the one eating that PBJ sandwich is here, because it's not too far in my memory of the ten weeks when he wasn't, when there were no PBJ sandwiches to make and one case of Diet Coke was enough.

I settle down on the couch and keep listening to the woman talking about electronic health record, and breathe in deep the sunshine outside my window. 

Today, this day, the jelly and the laundry and the treadmill and the sunshine...

It's the gift.  The present.  Not living in yesterday, or even those ten hard weeks, anymore.  And not worrying about tomorrow, but breathing in today...

Counting His blessings today.  I love yous in conversations and hacked Facebook accounts with selfie pics from that boy with the crooked smile as he throws the deuces at his Momma.  Towels and clothes and laundry detergent and washers and dryers, because goodness gracious it could be so much worse.  I could not have these clothes... or I could have to wash them by hand. Thanking Him for funny moments with Wallace and Caleb and walks and Dance Moms and good books and Candy Crush on facebook friends and His Holy Word, John 7 and 8, no condemnation and living water, that I never have to thirst again. Blue skies with music blasting and blue ink pens and front porches and family. 

I'm on number 939, and each day I look closely at the birds outside my window and the clouds in the sky and the smiles on the faces of those I love... and see the gift. The present. Join me, in this Joy Dare that will make all the difference, at

Linking up with Ann and others who are gratefully hanging on in this thing called life. 


  1. Yes, gratefully hanging on too :) and striving to be thankful and a nurse by profession too! Popped by from Ann's link up.

  2. Lazing Mondays ... the best. Thanks for drenching me in thankfulness today.

    Delighted to meet you today. I hope you don't mind if I splash around a bit to get to know you. This looks like a refreshing place to dip onto goodness.

