Thursday, March 14, 2013

When Words are Too Much

The cursor is just blinking because I have writer's block.  I didn't write anything yesterday so I really want to write something, but sometimes words won't come.

Sometimes, there aren't words to express.

Sometimes, not even our thoughts are adequate.

And sometimes words are too much, and our thoughts exaggerate.  "The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?" Jeremiah 17:9

Our heart lies to us and convinces us of untruths. It causes doubt.  It shakes us, and pulls us apart, and makes us weak. We tremble when we listen to what it says, because it is deceitful.  It is beyond cure...

But as I've written before, God is a healer of the heart.  Just like a heart surgeon who goes in and replaces those diseased valves and arteries, God scrapes clean the vessels of our heart.  By His wounds, we are healed... physically. Emotionally. Spiritually. So even though the heart can't be cured, He gives us a heart transplant. He searches our heart,and helps  us see the dark spots.  He purifies, and cleans, and makes it a dwelling place for Him.

And as we draw closer to Him, he fills it.  He takes up the empty space.  Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks... so if it is full of Him, we speak of Him, like Him.  With love. Kindness. Goodness.  Grace.

And if we've allowed it to become hard, and rooted Him out, that will be obvious.  Our words will once again be sharp and hard and disheartening.  And out of this hard heart, the lies will again start, an overabundance of words and an exaggeration of thoughts...

Think on Him.  Seek Him, and you will find Him. He wants to dwell with you.

Lord, You know my doubts and fears and the lies my heart tries to tell me.  Search my heart, Lord, and help me remember Your good and perfect way.  In Jesus's name, Amen

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