Thursday, August 30, 2012

This Hard Week

This week has been hard.  And I've  not even been lecturing... but I think I'd much rather be lecturing than playing phone tag and working on tasks that just lead to more tasks.  The start of the semester and getting everything up and running is always hard; having a new book and new policies have made it a little more difficult.

I think it's been hard for everyone.  Our students are tired, and everyone I met on campus seemed worn out.  Maybe its the anticipation of a three day weekend... sometimes I think knowing that a change in the routine is coming actually is tiring in and of itself.

I've not been exercising and I've just been in one of those moods... but today I convinced myself it was going to be a good day and for the most part, it was.  I got a lot accomplished, and am telling myself that the growing to do list can be tackled tomorrow, and the next day, and the next week... after all, tomorrow is a Friday with just lab time, so nothing is "due" tomorrow. I met with a lot of my students today and talked with them... that always puts my mood into perspective.  So many of them are battling uphill, being mommy and daddy and working and going to school and running to little league games and helping care of sick parents and family members... juggliing it all.  What do I have to complain about, really?

Caleb and I went out to eat tonight and he is just so daggone funny. He always puts a smile on my face.  I came home and promptly went to sleep on the couch, got up and took a bath, and am headed to bed.  I am DETERMINED to get out of this funk I'm in.  After all, tomorrow is Friday night football and there will be corndogs at the Honey Festival and I get an extra day off to worry about cleaning the house.  Life is good, and even if it wasn't, I'm too blessed not to think that it is.  =)

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