Friday, August 30, 2013

Five Minute Friday... Worship

"Here I am to worship, here I am to bow down, here I am to say that You're My God..."

As soon as I read the prompt this morning, this song came to my mind.

Every Friday, I try to gather with Lisa Jo Baker at her blogging space, where she gives us a prompt and we write for five minutes on that word, unedited, not really thinking, just writing. Except sometimes I forget to set my timer... so enjoy!

Worship. What a beautiful word.  Worship is bowing down... it is looking to something else, it is completely losing yourself in the moment to feel peace and hope.  It becomes about something other than yourself, something bigger than yourself.

Humble praise. Adoration.  Standing in awe.

I've actually been thinking about worship a lot. Last week, I went to a Casting Crowns concert.  As I stood on the old University of Louisville football field and raised my hands to worship the one true God, I reflected on how far I have come since I last stood on that field. 

Almost 20 years ago, I cheered on my Breathitt County Bobcats as we won back-to-back State football championships.  My hands were raised to urge the crowd to become involved in the game.  The prayers that I sent up were focused on winning, on allowing that pass to be caught, on petitioning God to somehow help us come back from behind.

I went to church that next Sunday after the game, sat in the same pew I sat in every weekend, and just sat.  Oh, I stood for the reading of the Word, and I sang along with the hymnal in my hands... but it was just going through the motions.

I didn't know what true worship was.

Twenty years later, I still don't fully understand.  I still am not completely uninhibited... but I'm learning.

And thanking God for the opportunity.  Five Minute Friday

1 comment:

  1. I loved this :) Thank you for sharing a little bit about your growth as well as sharing that you still have more growing to do, as we all do.

    I appreciate your honesty and your willingness to praise Him despite not having all of the answers :)

    ~Jenna, from FMF
