Wednesday, September 4, 2013

August in Review

Here it is September 4th, and I'm just now doing my review of last month.  Guess that tells you how this month has gone so far.  Busy, busy, busy!  We kicked it off with the Honey Festival, with a food booth for the Ladycats, and then the work week began with an exam and lecture, lecture, and more lecture.  I'm actually looking forward to Bowling Green this coming weekend because I know I can just relax in a hotel room on Friday night. 

August was a good month. Not great, and definitely room for improvements, but a good month.  No weight loss, but I have been doing better about diet and exercise.  The treadmill is back to being my friendemy... but I do have Dance Moms, Cheer Perfect, and Who Do You Think You Are DVRing, so it is all good.  And once I get started I like it.  Most of the time.

Bible reading and memorization... ok, let's be honest.  I've slacked off on memorization.  Haven't opened my Chronological Bible... but I am doing one study on Luke with Good Morning Girls and one study with Hello Mornings in Ephesians.  I'm on the last week of the Beth Moore's David study, and am planning on starting Jesus the One and Only with my Facebook bunch in October.  I'm finishing up What Happens When Women Say Yes to God next week with the Proverbs Online Bible Studies on Facebook, and will begin a study on A Confident Heart by Renee Swope.

Blogs and pictures... could do better.  Haven't posted as much at all, been sooo busy... but I realize I make time for what I want to do, so I'm making a commitment to finishing the year strong. 

I read 9 books in August for a total of 77 out of my 80 book for the year.  More on what I'm reading now.  Still participating in the Joy Dare counting 1000 gifts, and am over 1300.  This month, one of my Facebook friends made a challenge to do 27-28 things I'm thankful for in a day (10,000 in a year's time), so I'm taking her up on it this month. 

Sleep... Doing better. Getting about 7 hours a night.  Still struggling with getting up early, but it is what it is. 

I know this year might be considered a failure so far by some, but I'm more aware of my weaknesses, and am looking to the One who is made strong in those.  And I'm saying yes to change... yes to doing what I need to do.  Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of my life.  =)

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