Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Say Yes... Forget the Mundane

Wednesday, middle of the week.  Third day of school for Caleb.  My second week back to work from a summer of sheer laziness.  Orientation for my new nursing students, and checking off my to do list...

All recipes for a meltdown.  For panic mode.  For me being overwhelmed and exhausted...

But I'm not.  Even though I'm getting up earlier every morning than I have in two months, filling my days with work and more work and helping with homework and exercising... some days.

Because those early mornings have been spent in His Word, letting Him speak to me... or at least opening my mind and heart.

I'm slowly learning to say yes.

In the Proverbs 31 Online Bible study of Lysa  Terkeurst's What Happens When Women Say Yes to God, we are learning about saying yes.  Being radically obedient.  Coming to Him with our palms up, ready to receive. 

This has to be an intentional action.  On page 14 of her book, Lysa says, "You see, we have become so familiar with God yet so unaware of Him."  He is everywhere, true, and even as our government and other entities push Him out, His name is on our lips.  We have more access to information about God than at any other time in the history of mankind.  Television, radio, internet... bookstores... Bible studies and prayer groups and prayer pages on social media.  We know all about God... but it is easy to never really know Him.

You see, He is a gentleman.  He quietly sits back and observes us, never pushing us.  He is just waiting...

For us to say yes.  Yes, God, I need You.  Yes, God, I want You to have control.  Yes, God, I'll step aside, even though it is killing me. 

Yes, God... I'm willing to step out of my mundane existence, and even  in the midst of my everyday activities, see You.  See You working at my job and seeing You work in my kids and seeing You save me and rescue me every. single.  day. 

Yes, God... I'm pursuing You just like You have been pursuing me, and I'm standing here, Palms up, ready to receive all You have for me. 

If you're reading this, you can say yes, too.  All you have to do is ask for forgiveness.  Ask Him into your heart.  Confess your sins.  Get to know Jesus. 

You'll be so happy you said yes... and He will take your mundane and make it more than you can ever imagine. 

P31 OBS Blog Hop


  1. I had a friend years ago who was the first one to tell me that God was a gentleman. I love that thought and always think of her when I'm reminded of it!

  2. Great post - thank you for sharing with us!! I have to say I have to remind myself often to let go of the mundane mind set and keep my eyes on HIM. I like how you referenced God as a gentlemen waiting for us - going to remember that!

  3. Such a great reminder! Thank you for sharing this.
