Thursday, March 15, 2012


"I know sometimes what messes our life up most — is the expectation of what our life is supposed to look like. Entitlement can leave you feeling entirely empty."- Ann Voskamp

Entitlement- the act of being entitled... entitled- giving someone a claim or right to something. 

Living in Easten Kentucky, I have often complained about entitlement.  In poverty-stricken areas, we have many who have a sense of entitlement.  I really don't want to step on any toes, but I've too often seen people think they deserve something... just because.  Because of who they are.  Because of what they have.  Because they don't have something.  Because that's just the way it's always been.

I've never thought of entitlement as something that is a problem for me, until tonight, when I read this quote. "The expectation of what our life is supposed to be"... is entitlement.  And as a young girl (or guy), we dream and think about what life is going to be like.  I'm going to grow up and... go to college. Marry my sweetheart.  Live in a nice house.  Have a baby or babies.  Be able to go places and do things and see the world and meet interesting people and take pictures so I can brag (or share) all that I've been blessed to do.  And so far, I have been blessed, and God has allowed me to do many things.  But I shouldn't expect it.  Every day is a gift, every opportunity could be my last.

Entitlement breeds jealousy, because when you think you have the right to something, and someone else has it and you don't, it makes you angry.  Jealousy breeds pride, because we start trying to figure out how we can in fact show that we are better or have more or are happier, for crying out loud.  And we all know about pride... Pride cometh before a fall.  God hates Pride... God, the God of love, who is love, HATES pride. So that makes me think that maybe He hates entitlement, too...

Thank Your for opening my eyes.  I've tried to be grateful, tried to concentrate each day on what I  have and what God has given me, but somehow my vision still is bad.  I still keep seeing what I don't have, what I can't do, places I haven't been able to go.  Help me, Lord, embrace the gifts that You give me, and not think that I deserve things that You don't.  Haven't You already given me more than enough???

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