Friday, February 1, 2019

Where May Not be the Question

At the beginning of 2019 I chose one word to focus on throughout the year. I've done this for several years... some years I follow through. Some, like last year, I get distracted by my life and lose focus.

For a myriad of reasons, I chose the word "SEEK" to guide me this year.

As I look back on the first month of the year, I'm amazed at how that word appeared in sermons and in passages I've read.

I'm reminded of one verse that I'm paraphrasing, "Seek Him while He still may be found." As I've said before, I don't think God likes hide and seek, but I do know we are told there will come a time when His Spirit will not be found by man. With all of the changes and decisions being made in our society, I can't help but think that will be sooner rather than later.

Seeking someone or something means paying attention. Being observant. It's an action... if I lose my remote, I won't find it if  I just sit on the couch.
If we want to FIND something, we have to actually look... and too often that hasn't been the case for me.

I think that it's never a matter of seeking God as we do someone in hide and seek, because it's not a matter of WHERE He's at.

It's more a matter of where I am in relation to Him.

In His Word, we are told that He is our shield. He covers us with His wings and His angels are camped round about us. He goes before us and is behind us. He basically has us hedged in...and He is always on His throne, sitting next to the one who is advocating for us, our High Priest who, like us, was tempted... but never sinned.

We know where He is...

but I'm not always sure where I am.

So this year I've resolved to keep moving. Not to be stagnant. To open my eyes and my heart (and pray for Him to do so)... because I'm told that if I seek Him, He WILL be found...

wherever I am.

Writing this first post of the #write28day challenge with the prompt provided by Five Minute Fridays, where we write for 5 minutes on one word, unedited.

Going over my 5 minutes to briefly recap my "progress" this year. I set 19 "habits" I wanted to work on in 2019... not resolutions, just stepping stones...

I'll not recap all of them, but in January I walked over 10,000 steps EVERY DAY and walked on the treadmill at least 2 miles MOST days (habit: exercise).
I read my Bible EVERY DAY and worked on a couple of Bible studies (Reading His Word).
I listed over 100 things I was thankful for (1,000 gifts gratitude journal).
I read 12.5 books (keeping on target for my 150 books in 2019 goal)
I hiked to two different places and visited one new Ky county (my bucket list item of visiting all 120 counties in Breathitt county).

February goals are going to be writing more (every day!) and drinking more water (Thanks to my beautiful cups from my cousin at Lady's Lounge  Custom Corner- check her work out !

1 comment:

  1. Hi FMF neighbor! :) I love your take on where! I feel like it relates to how I took the prompt too. What a great reminder to turn and SEEK Him! Loved that. PS - Your habits are quite the accomplishments! Wishing you the best for your February!!
