Thursday, August 15, 2013

Paying Attention

Ever sit down to write, really wanting to, but then not had anything to say?  That was me last night.  I really wanted to blog.  Really wanted to talk about saying yes and what God is doing in my life... but then the words just wouldn't come.

I was exhausted.  Now I know I am going to come across whiny, and there are so many women out there that are going to shake their head at this... but work wears me out.  It may have something to do with the fact that I spent the summer doing absolutely nothing, so 6 AM mornings (I know, that isn't even that early) and running long until 9 PM has left its toll.  Don't tell anyone, but I even snoozed past my quiet time this morning... I know, I know.  After that was one thing that I had said yes to last week.

Last night, our Wednesday lesson was about mercy.  New mercies every morning.  And as I sat there, listening with one ear about His loving mercy and allowing my brain to run away with me thinking of all the things that needed to be done before the weekend, and sending up silent prayers for God to talk to me through this study, because I'm seeing what He's doing with other people and I don't want to be left out...

Well, He spoke.  Not out loud.  Maybe not even Him, but I have to think it was at least His urging.  Because there I sat, smart  phone in hand, not thinking about mercy.  And He said, "How can I speak to you if you don't pay attention?"

Yes, the five questions Lysa Terkeurst presents in Chapter 2 of her book What Happens When Women Say Yes to God are needed, because a lot of the time, we're not sure.  I'm not sure.  What seems like a good idea is not always a God idea.  Lysa tells us to ask ourselves if what we're hearing lines up with scripture, if it is consistent with God's character, if it is being confirmed through messages we're hearing other places (church or quiet time), if it is beyond me (my favorite... because there is no way that I could come up with some things, and no way I could possibly do them, but God..), and if it would please God.

Great questions to use... but first we have to stop.  Pause.  Pay attention.  In the middle of this hurry up world with texts ringing and email notifications beeping, with DVR where we hurry through commericals, with constant noise and information overload... we have to get quiet.  Because it's only when we are paying attention that we will truly hear Him. 

Lord, forgive me... even though You've given me this message over and over and over again.  Help me remember.  Help me pause, and listen, and stop talking all the time.  Help me focus on right now, this moment, because that's where You'll meet me. 
Thank You, Lord, for new mercies, and that You'll keep talking, even when I'm not always paying attention.
P31 OBS Blog HopLinking up with the P31 OBS blog where over 23,000 women are saying yes to God! 


  1. Awesome blog and how true it is that we need that time with Him...alone, not part of us, but all of us and Him!! Thanks for sharing!!

    FB small group leader-P31

  2. I need to remember to get still and be quiet too.

  3. Awesome blog. I need more quiet time with Him and listen to Him more often.

  4. I am very bad with quiet time. I do need to focus more. thank you for sharing the blog.
