I told you in this odyssey to write every day that I'd warn you if I ever felt uninspired, so this may be another one of those random posts that you're thinking.. and I care because?
And that's ok. I really don't have anything much to say...
Nothing significant going on in my life...
Just another day.
So I'd like to share with you my favorite things from the day.
1. I reached my goal of 11,000 steps without having to get on the treadmill.
2. I spent the evening at basketball practice working on lecture notes, which normally wouldn't be fun, but I got to sit at the scores table and break up the monotony by watching Wallace run up and down the floor as he scrimmaged. Some things never change. He still shoots his arm off and talks trash... even if it is to a girl. Plus I got to hang out with some of my favorite people... and also get to know some of the younger players better. I sure do love my ball girls!
3. I laughed tonight. It's always good to laugh. After Bible study we were standing around talking to the Price family and the Baker family, who always put a smile on my face. They had walked out and we walked out behind them... and I suddenly realized Caleb was nowhere to be found. It's not uncommon for him to go out before we do, so I didn't think anything about it until everyone had gotten into their vehicles and there was still no Caleb. It's also not uncommon for him to climb in someone else's vehicle, but I was pretty sure no one would have driven off with him. I said, "I've lost Caleb" and Jeannie said, "How do you lose a Caleb?" which is a very good question. The lights were all off in the church and Dad was about to lock the door when here comes Caleb, busting out in a panic. The look on his face sent me into hysterics... laughing. He was so afraid we had set the alarm.
And where was he? He had gone back into the gym to shoot basketball.
And then we had some laughter over how Jesus got lost at the age of 12 and they found him in the temple..
about His Father's business.
And my 12 year old was also found... about his Father's business, although it was his earthly father's =)
4. I got to watch American Idol with Wallace. There were some good auditions and some bad auditions... but it's good just to hang out every now and again without talking basketball.
5. Tonight's Bible study was about being better, pressing on toward the mark and forgetting our past. Stepping out of our comfort zone. One thing Brother Don said that really resonated with me is, "You can't grow in grace and knowledge sitting in your comfort zone."
At the end he asked for people to come up and commit to doing something for the church. I feel kind of in limbo, because I go to one place on Sunday mornings and another on Wednesday nights. That might seem strange to some people, but it works for us. I treasure getting to sing hymns with my Papaw Jr. leading on Sunday morning, and am so thankful for the years that we got to sit behind Mamaw Na... but Caleb enjoys Wednesday nights with his friends and I like to sit with Dad and listen to him Amen on Wednesday nights. At this time, I feel like it's what we're supposed to be doing... but that doesn't mean that I'm not committed to church... but truthfully, I know I can do more. I'm just not sure what exactly it is that I'm supposed to be doing.
I consider this blog as ministry... and that may be a pipe dream. If I could dream one thing, do one thing, it would be to write.
I've had it in my heart for awhile.
But that isn't tangible and it seems downright selfish... because sometimes I feel like my words don't matter...
How do you measure being committed to God and making a difference? What does that look like? It's a concept I've been struggling with. It's one of the reasons I chose "Love" as my focus word this year... because I want to live it out, and I haven't been doing a very good job.
I really do want to do the best that I can Jesus this year. It's such a struggle sometimes, being a light and pushing aside the flesh. It's why He told Paul that His grace is sufficient... because mine sure isn't. And I think it's important for us to be open to what God is telling us to do, regardless of the location.
I'm so thankful for Brother Gary and Brother Kemper and my church families. I don't think I say that enough.
So, tonight, as I'm reflecting on what went right today, I'm thinking about how I can do better tomorrow... and each day...
Pressing on. Reaching out for new opportunities... and not looking back.
And remembering that in it all, His grace is sufficient.
#3 is hilarious. I love to laugh too. Those times with friends or family that you just can't catch your breath because something makes you laugh hysterically, those are the best.