Monday, July 7, 2014

My thoughts on the zoo

Ok, this is going to be a deep post, only not really, because it is July and summer break is winding down and it is hot outside and also because I trekked through a zoo in the heat, racking up plenty of miles and steps today. 

Which, I would like to point out, I will not get credit for on my Humana Vitality, because I forgot my fitbit at home.

(Thank you, Lauren. So now when you look back on your statistics, you'll see a number of 1,899 steps and think, "Geez, you were lazy that day.", when in reality it feels like you walked 18,999.)

(Although I'm pretty sure that is not really the number, because the most I've ever done is 16,000.)

(But I'd really like it to be that number.)

Ok... so now that we have clarified that I did in fact meet my 10,000 step goal for the day, I just want to leave you with one thought.

Have you ever thought about what it would be like to be in a zoo?

I mean, this guy does not look happy.

Although I'm pretty sure he looks like that in his natural habitat.

Now... don't get me wrong.  I have looked forward to the zoo every since we planned the trip. 

And I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Except for the occasional smell of animal dung...

But you have to take the bad with the good, right?

Caleb had never been to a zoo.  This, coupled with the fact that he informed me a couple of weeks ago that Friends was the worst television show ever, made me 99.99% positive that IF there was a worst mother ever award, I would bring home the trophy.

When we walked in, he actually said, "There are real bears here, Mom?" I think he was joking.  I'm claiming he was joking... but still.

I think he had a good time, and moments like these are priceless...

 I mean, the kid got to feed a live giraffe.  It was really kind of majestic.  If you squinted your eyes, you could imagine the giraffe loping across the African safari... to this huge platform, where kids were trying to be quiet and standing in line to feed the giraffe what looked like lettuce leaves.  Caleb started to pay his $5 and this little kid pretty much threw his money at the zookeeper, so Caleb let him go first.  Then, Caleb got his piece of whatever they were feeding the giraffe, and the giraffe stuck out his tongue. Caleb actually touched the thing's tongue . After much use of hand sanitizer, we went back on our way.
There's also the realization that you're missing SEC football when you look here and the first thought that goes through your head is (imagine the band playing...) Duh, duh, duh-du duh-du... gator bait!
And also, the joy of this..

Let loose from his stroller, Will gets to say "Hi" to the gorillas... and also to the little girl standing in the window with him.

Hello there, Mr. and Mrs. Gorilla... or whatever you are.

Caleb was not the only one fooled by the presence of live animals. I walked right by this baby, thinking it was a statue at first.

And lastly, this lovely animal, who is a relation to the Bengal Tiger, and according to Wallace is acting just like the Bengals do when they play football... flat on their back from the quarterback sack.

(It's in the very back of the picture, just next to the fence. Flat on its back.)

But what made me ask the question; as I was watching the animals, I just wonder what they think, with all these people looking at them all the time.  I mean, I like to people watch, and I'll admit that several times in my life I have felt like I was in a zoo, with everyone staring at me... but I wasn't really experiencing that.  I wasn't really the center of attention.

Maybe they enjoy it.  I'm pretty sure they get treated well and fed good.

And also they get to lie around and not have to worry about getting fed, which doesn't sound too bad to me.

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