Saturday, May 12, 2012

Dear Caleb,

On the eve of my 9th Mother's Day, I've been skimmig through Facebook and reading all kinds of Mother's Day posts.  I've been reading the blogs I subscribe to and nodding my head in agreement about all the things a good mother does, and how she shows her love to her children.  Tomorrow, I'll be talking about my Mama, because she truly is the best, and my mother-in-law, and grandmas.  So many women who made me who I am, good or bad.  But tonight, I want to focus on that wonderful creature who made me a Mama...

My funny boy, who has an infectious laugh and a twinkle in his eye.  A devil on a golf cart and a dolphin in the water.  No longer cuddly little boy, this man-child is a unique breath of life.  God designs us each to be our own, and he is no exception.  Oh, the things he can say.  "Mom, I have a question...", and a lot of the time I don't have an answer.  He leaves me breathless as I watch him text and type and google and search on You-tube.  What will this boy grow up to be?  My heart aches as I think about the heartaches he might face.  If I could tell him anything, it would be:

I love you.  More than mint chocolate chip ice cream and to the moon and back, an imperfect, unconditional love that I rarely know how to express yet I fumble along.  I am so proud of you, even as you make me mad because you don't listen, and are stubborn.  I know that these qualities could be your downfall but they could also be your saving grace if you use them the right way.  You make my heart smile as I watch you, sitting with your glasses half down on your nose, looking at videos on that Ipad.  Your caring heart for others, praying for those who are sick or who need uplifting, amazes me... yet at the same time that sassy mouth that is so much like me and your Daddy infuriates me.  Words are powerful, Caleb.  Use them right.  Use them to love others and to love Jesus in a way I never did at your age.  Love others to the point of it hurting, because God heals broken hearts and it's better to be hurt at the feet of Jesus than to have a heart of stone.  Show that love through action, by kindness to those who are less fortunate.  When you get old enough, love a girl like she's meant to be loved.  Cry a little every now and then.  There is no weakness in a man's tears.  Give 110% at whatever you choose to do.  Stand up for what you believe in and say no to bullying and drugs and hate.  Laugh every day, all day, but learn when it is ok to be serious.  And above all, know that your Mama will love you no matter what.

Thank You, Lord, for this boy you've given me.  Being a mother is the most important job in the world, and I don't take it lightly.  I know I'm not perfect, but You're making up for my mistakes.  Help my messes blossom and grow into a young man fitting of Your kingdom.  I'm remembering that as much as I love him, You love him more...

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