Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Guard Your Ways

" I will guard my ways, lest I sin with my tongue.  I will restrain my mouth with a muzzle while the wicked are before me." Psalm 39:1

Guard my ways.  Restrain my mouth.  Yep, definitely two things I need to be doing.  Yesterday I told Caleb we were practicing the "Whatsoever" rule, based on Philipians 4:8.  It didn't last long.  It's hard not to grumble and complain. It's easy to spout off and say whatever we think, regardless of how it makes other people feel. It's easy to let our emotions run our tongue.  David knew this.  In the verse in Psalm, he was praying for wisdom.  Most of the time, the wise thing to do is keep our mouth shut.  Even if you know better.  There's nothing the world dislikes more than a know-it-all, especially one who doesn't really know anything. 

Help me, Lord, to think before I speak and to practice that whatsoever.  Give me restraint and wisdom... and in doing so, may I reflect mercy and kindness?  Cause on a Monday evening, there's  not enough to go around.  =)

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