Monday, January 13, 2014

Mediocre vs. Magical

Today was the first day of a new semester.  All in all, it went pretty well.  It always takes a few days to get into the swing of things, to learn the students and have them learn you.

Today was also the first day back to school for Caleb. Thankfully, there was no math homework. There was two questions to answer in social studies, covering the development of the House of Representatives and the Senate.  I learned something today about how these were developed... I love social studies homework, and so does Caleb!

An away ballgame to Letcher County rounded out the night.  A tough loss, but the girls never quit, and you can't ask for anything more.  Add to that Caleb wanting to go with me, which rarely happens on an away game, and my Monday was pretty good.

On the way to the game, I was thinking of my schoolwork coming up and basketball season and my students.  The thought of being mediocre kept on running through my mind.  It's easy in school to just do enough to get by.  I'm guilty of this myself.  The thing is, it is really only a small step from the mediocre to the magical.  We all have magic in us.  We all have the ability to do great things... we just have to figure out how to express it. We have to choose. 

What choice will you make? My one word, be... I don't want to be mediocre. I want to be everything that I can.  How about you?

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