Thursday, October 6, 2011

It's Great To Be a Jackson Tiger

Today's lesson:
I have one boy. A very rowdy boy at that. A rambunctious, mischievous boy. I'd be lying to say that I had never dreamed of pink dresses and hairbows when I was pregnant, but Wallace wanted a boy and that's what we got. Not my little cheerleader...
However, I have been blessed with 30+ girls. Loud girls. Giggling girls. Girls that treat my son like a little brother, and don't hesitate to fight with him as such. Being a coach's wife isn't easy... those girls get to go home and don't have to listen to him complain until practice the next day, when he's settled down and not upset. I, however, get to hear all about it. Over the past few years, I've learned more about volleyball and setting, man to man and zone defense, and practice drills than I ever wanted to know.
But I also get to see a unique side of my husband in this. This side is the man who doesn't sleep well the night before a big game because he wants them to play so well; who doesn't sleep well the night of a game, win or lose, because he's running it back through his head to see how he could improve; the side of a person who goes 110% because he wants them to succeed not just on the court, but in life. Scouting. Game tapes. Volleyball and basketball 24/7.
And tonight, I saw yet again the man I fell in love with. No, Jackson may not have won, but he's still proud. Over the years, Wallace has learned that there's always a positive side, even in the losses, and he chooses to focus on this. Yes, he may yell some... and stomp, and pace the sideline like a maniac. The opposing team's crowd probably think he is an idiot (I have questioned this myself...) However, my coach, unlike many I've seen in the past (and I've seen a lot... I've basically been raised in a ball gym) respects the other players. He never hesitates to tell them they played well or brag on them. And he loves his girls. Loves them like a father. These girls are the daughters we don't have. So thank you, to all of the parents. and to the girls. Once again, you've made me proud to be a Jackson Tiger.
And as for that crazy coach, there's just something about it... Overzealous, yes. Loud, yes. Sometimes embarrassing, definitely... but I wouldn't have it any other way. Today, I learned that seeing someone you love do something they love makes you love them just a little more =)

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