Friday, January 22, 2016

Five Minute Friday: Present

There was recently an article going around Facebook that showed a series of pictures.

The people in them are lying on the couch or sitting at the dinner table.

They appear pretty absurd... because in each picture, they should have been holding a cell phone.

Actually, they were, but the phone was photoshopped out.

It shows how scarily connected we are to our cell phones.

I noticed it the other night at Beauty and the Beast. At the beginning of the play, the announcer said, "This story took place in a time before cell phones, so please put them up at this time."

Kami leaned over to me and said, "That means you."... because I am so guilty.

It's a habit, really, this scrolling on my screen. I do it at ballgames when I get nervous and I do it when I get lonely.

So, at intermission, you look...

And there we all sit. With out iphones and galaxies, those little screens lit up and our fingers flying on the keyboard.

We miss out on memories because we are trying to think of how we should frame them on social media.

Now don't get me wrong. I love social media...

but sometimes it is too easy to get swept away by what is on the other side of that screen and miss the person sitting right next to you.

As my word of the year is purpose, I've resolved to be more intentional. More aware of others.

More present.

Present in my environment. Present to the people around me.

Not thinking about yesterday. Not worrying about tomorrow.

But enjoying the here. The now. The present.

Laughing at what they say and hugging long and hard and looking them in the eye.

This morning I read a quote posted on facebook (see, social media!) by Ann Voskamp. It's attributed to Jim Elliot. "Wherever you are, just be there."

The greatest gift you can give to yourself? To someone else?

Appreciation of the present.

So today I'm appreciating my heater and my warm from the dryer sweatshirt as the snow pours down outside. And when Caleb asks to go outside, I just may brave the cold to soak up some snow time with him.

Linking up with five minute Friday, where we write for five minutes on one prompt, unedited. Today's prompt?



  1. Great post! Isn't it true how horribly connected (obsessed??) we all are with our cell phones and social networking?! On a side note, I also have a word focus every year. This year, my word is grace. :) Visiting from Five Minute Friday! :)

  2. Excellent and your thoughts are resonating through the entire thread of posts!

  3. So true! We need to be not so attached to our phones etc and be more fully present.

  4. Love this!!! We have started having phone-free times on purpose at our house. It's crazy how difficult it is at first, but how much more connected we feel by the end! Great post!

  5. Great post! I've been trying to be more present also and not use my phone so much. I get a lot more accomplished that way! I do love social media, though, because it's has also helped me get to know so many more lovely people. We just need to find the balance. :) Blessings to you!

  6. Lauren, love this post! It is a struggle for my husband and me. And we remember how wonderful conversations were before screen phones. I'm concerned for the next generation, who haven't experience life before cell phones. Being purposeful about being present is so important.
