2017, as you know if you frequent this space much, has been designated my year to live. I chose that word to guide my year because I often felt as though I was going through the motions, and I wanted to do more.
To be more.
So I've been trying to step out of my comfort zone (a little) and experience life to the fullest. After all, that's what Jesus said He came for... so that we may have life to the fullest... the abundant life.
Last night I was thinking of my newfound zest for life and I had this thought.
I'm living like I'm dying.
Because, honestly, we all are.
We are told our lives are but a vapor, and we never know when that vapor will be gone...
so, as I strive to fit in as much life as I can, I truly am living to experience all I can because my life here will eventually be terminal.
This is not my final destination... but there's a lot it has to offer while I'm making my temporary stay.
Here's what I'd love to do as I really live...
I created this list a few years ago on a piece of notebook paper. As you can see, I've been blessed to do some of the things.
Mostly, though, in addition to this list...
I want my life to be reflective of Jesus Christ, and when I take my last breath, I want those who knew me to say that I somehow made their lives better.
That's my ultimate bucket list item...
but this stuff would all be pretty awesome=)
1. Be multilingual.
Taking a Spanish class in the fall
2. Grand Canyon
Visited on 7/22/14 while at a nursing conference in Arizona. Jenna Boothe, Donna Combs, Gwen Collins, Pat Herald, Christy Martin, Sherry Woods, Tammy Bailey& Ludrenia Hagans-Shepherd.
3. Put my feet in the Pacific Ocean- I've been to the Atlantic but have heard the Pacific is beautiful.
4. Hot air balloon ride- I've always been fascinated with hot air balloons.
5. Get my doctorate.
Completed through Western Kentucky University in May, 2017
6. Run a 5K - I know this doesn't sound that ambitious, with so many people doing marathons, but I'm learning life really isn't a competition, and I'm not a runner. So, start small...
I've walked a 5K, but really would like to run it. Maybe sometime in the fall.
7. Learn to play piano. I took lessons as a kid, but didn't practice. And it's hard. And you have to think a lot...
Started piano lessons in 2017
8. Crochet- My Mamaw Bert has crocheted for years, and even though I'm not the least bit crafty, I'd love to do this just to have some connection with her.
9. Time Square on New Year's Eve- Just because I think it'd be awesome.
10. parasail- Wallace, Kami, Allie, & Landry- North Duck Watersports- 6/16/11- I was a nervous wreck but loved it!!! And we had lots of good laughs when Kami, Allie, and Landry went up!
11. Go on a mission trip
12. Zipline
Wallace and I- Red River Gorge Zipline 7/14/12- Again, I was nervous but enjoyed it. I wish I was a little more adventurous, but I'm not.
13. Write a book for Caleb
14. Write a book for others- fiction, nonfiction... I'm not sure. I just love to write.
15. Superbowl- Preferably watching the Steelers
16. Appalachian Trail- this would be a long time away... because I'd definitely have to get in much better shape!!! But this trail fascinates me!
17. Beth Moore live- I love to listen to Beth Moore, and working on her Bible studies was one of the things God used to help me fall in love with his Word. She's a dynamic speaker, and I was blessed to get to attend with a group from Providence Pentecostal Church in August 2012
18. Europe- Ideally, France, England, and Italy
19. Final Four
Wallace and I watched UK win! in the first round of the Final Four, 4/4/14- Arlington, Texas- but then we had to be back in town for work on Monday morning so we watched them lose the championship at home. What an experience, though!!!!
20. Cruise- Just because I've heard these are great vacation options and most people who I've talked to who have been on one have loved it.
21. Kentucky Derby- Because I'm from Kentucky!!
22. Steelers game- 12/23/12- Heinz Field- Wallace, Caleb, Kami, and I watched the Steelers lose to the Bengals. At halftime, they honored members of the team from the 50th anniversary of the Immaculate Reception.
23. Visit all 50 states
24. Visit all 120 counties in Kentucky- I'm working on this one!!!
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