Saturday, February 11, 2012

Weekends are Made for...

Normally I would say ballgames.  or traveling.  Time with family.  Eating out and movies and ballgames.  This weekend, though, has been made for resting. 

Poor Caleb has had a rough couple of days.  His temperature is still spiking (as of this morning) and he still "sounds funny", as he told me tonight.  I am so thankful that my in-laws are such wonderful people, because today I was exhausted.  Add in a migraine (I'm refusing to believe it was anything but, I've kept a close eye on my temp and I am finally feeling better) and all I wanted to do was sleep.  So that's what I did.  Starting about 12 noon, I have been in the bed.  I did get up and take a nice warm bath, but then back to bed it was.  And rest is wonderful. 

In our hurried lives of running and working and grading papers and updating facebook statuses, I too often forget to rest.  I collapse on my pillow at the end of the day, dreading going to sleep because I know the next day is just going to be more of the same running.  So today, I didn't even read.  I closed my eyes and slept, and just soaked in sweet rest.  My headache is now gone.  I'm not sick to my stomach anymore.  And I'll probably be up the rest of the night... but I think I'm ready for whatever tomorrow brings... and the upcoming week, as basketball season draws to a close. 

Thank You, Lord, for rest.  A nd for a Kindle to read now that I'm not sleepy anymore ;-)

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