Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Send the Rain

All day long I waited for it to rain.

It sure felt like it was going to.

There were even some dark storm clouds...

But nothing.

I've got a headache and I'm pretty sure it is the weather front, and think a good rain is just what we need.

But nothing.

The grass is starting to get dry and it felt sticky and hot to me... of course, that may have just been in my head because the storm clouds looked so inviting.

We need rain.

I'm reminded tonight of Living Water, and how refreshing it is.  And I'm wondering if maybe, our souls don't get as dry and brown when we don't drink in that water.

I'm pretty sure they do.

His Word is life, just like water is life-sustaining, and He has promised blessings.  Blessings to rain down.

Acts 14:17, "Yet he did not leave himself without witness, for he did good by giving you rains from heaven and fruitful seasons, satisfying your hearts with food and gladness.”

Satisfy my heart, Lord.  Send the rain.

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