Saturday, October 2, 2021


 he sky is the limit, we preach.

You can do anything you dream of…
And so we push the belief that where we are…what we are… is not good enough in the present.
Today’s society actually pushes us toward discontent. We see everyone’s filtered perfection and the voices in our minds whisper, scream… “You are not good enough.” Our leisurely nap on the couch pales in comparison to those who are traveling the world. The good we did for our neighbor with no one knowing seems paltry compared to our friend who is changing the world.
As I wrote yesterday, the unsettling of our soul is uncomfortable, and prompts change. Change is good… but it is a fine line we must balance between changing to meet faulty expectations and changing because it is truly needed.
Tonight, may you be content to sit in silence, to ponder where you are and choose to see the good. It may not be exciting, but that’s ok. Adrenaline rushes eventually lead to exhaustion. And as you sit, May you also know when it is time to take the next step… for you. Not for anyone else.

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