Sunday, February 3, 2019

I Went to the Woods

Today I spent three hours in the woods.

The sun glistened through the bare tree branches. The sky was blue and the moss on the rocks on either side of the trail was a bright green, contrasting with the dull brown of the dead leaves under my foot.

We climbed over felled trees, massive roots exposed and tangled in clumps of dark brown dirt.

The air was fresh and as I inhaled I could almost feel my lungs expand a little more; surely the air outside was opening up my alveoli more than my heat-stifled air inside my house?

The trail we hiked was one we had not tread before. By the appearance, it was not one many others had tread recently, either.

The recent rain and snow left some areas muddy. I balanced precariously as I waded through the muddy areas, not wanting my shoes to get too wet but knowing that it was unavoidable. Besides, have you really hiked if you leave without your shoes being muddy?

I breathed in deep and tried to look up, knowing that the view would be so much better than what was at my feet, yet afraid that I would end up face first.

As I walked, I found my mind wandering as my feet could not.

The sunshine was warm and I felt myself become warm, as if it had penetrated my soul.

I thought of sanctuaries and cathedrals and how even the largest and most elaborate cathedral could not rival God's creation in nature.

I then found myself thinking of how awesome those trees were, to grow in that one spot toward the sky, limbs reaching heavenward as their roots stretched out sight unknown.

How easy it would be to get lost in it all...

but as awe-inspiring as the creation is, I must not lose focus on the Creator.

It crossed my mind, "Don't worship the creation. Worship the Creator."

So often we do worship the creation. We look to our pastor, the song leaders, the groups we hear on K-love, the Bible teachers.

We adore our families, our children, our friends.

We live for our houses, our cars, our clothes... my books... working day in and day out to obtain more and more...

while the tree only continues to grow in the woods, being watered by God and nourished by sunlight and the rich dirt below...

reaching Heavenward, toward the Creator.

Today, my three hours in the woods was good for my soul. There were some dicey areas, as I maneuvered around ice and got dizzy looking over the precarious ledge above a swiftly flowing creek partially covered with ice. The icicles dangled from the cliff side and I feared one breaking off. We may have wandered off trail, and were fearful of the time (seems to be a theme in the Gorge- chasing the sunlight, fighting against darkness...)

But mostly, as I put one foot in front of the other and tried not to complain as my legs groaned through another mile and up another hill, I thanked God.

For sunlight.

For movement.

For fresh air.

For those trees, stretching Heavenward
and growing even when they appear dead in  winter time.

May I be like those trees... and may I never fail to look to You, who created me and had a plan for me from before the foundations of the world.

1 comment:

  1. I love to be out in nature and enjoy all that He has created and given to us! Thank you for this reminder. Blessings on your day! (Stopping by from #InspireMeMonday)
