Monday, October 20, 2014

Praise God from whom all blessings flow

This Monday morning I find myself sleeping late and struggling to get out of the house on time... again.

Sitting in traffic in the drop-off line at the middle school...again.

Wishing that it could be summertime... again... and always.

But in the back of my mind, I'm singing.

"Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise him, all creatures here below;
Praise him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen."
I know this song as the Doxology.  I don't know when I was first introduced to it.  It's one of those songs that just gets in your heart and you know it...

Because we were made to praise.

I don't debate different denominations of religion.  As I'm growing older, I believe it is much more about the personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Religion isn't necessarily about that.. after all, look at the so-called religious leaders in Jesus's day.

I think we can get hung up on the differences and fail to see that we are all more alike than what we think.

I do think there are some fundamental truths that you have to believe in.

The doxology talks about one of those... God the Father, Jesus the Son (who died for my sins... not just the sins of the world... but mine.  And yours.  And if no one else in the world needed saved, He still would have gone to the Cross.) and God the Holy Spirit/Holy Ghost (our Comforter.  Our Counselor). 

Philippians 4:8 says, "... if there by any praise, think on these things."


In the Greek, "epainos", meaning commendation, and praise.

We are to think of praise. 

We must begin to think of praising God... and then we must apply this to others around us.

Praise God... giving thanks.  Amen. 

This month I'm breaking down Philippians 4:8  as part of the #write31day challenge.  This week, I'm expanding on praise. 


  1. Thank you for the reminder that we were made to praise! Sometimes, we fall into the belief that we were made to complain ;). I'll join you in praise today!

  2. Joining you in praise today - even if it is Monday! ;)

  3. Amen! We ARE made to praise, and even in our storms, God is STILL worthy of all praise!

    I grew up singing the Doxology, too. We don't sing it in our current church, but I'll remember it forever.

  4. We sing that Doxology EVERY Sunday in church; and the words become rote and don't hit home! Thank you for helping me to "hit the target" and remember to PRAISE!

  5. Praise him, Praise him! Thanks for sharing, so encouraging.

  6. Praising Him in the midst of this stormy day! :)
