I've always been one of those go-get 'em girls. The more activites, the better. It started in high school, when my goal was to have the line behind my name in yearbook be one of the longest ones. Extracurricular activites? Sign me up for whatever. The more I have written in my calendar, the more important I must be, right? This mindset continued throughout college, throughout work... volunteer work, committees, running here and there to make the days go by faster. At the end of the day, my head hits my pillow... and I am out like a light. Physically, mentally, emotionally drained.
Yes, I enjoy being involved. And there are a lot of causes near and dear to my heart that I could never give up. Church. Relay For Life. Zumba (even though I never get to go anymore). Watching high school football, volleyball, basketball. Running with Caleb. Work (maybe I could give it up, but I think I like to buy things too much. Too many books. Too many e-books for my Kindle... so I'd better make sure that's something I don't leave out).
But today I learned that it's okay to sit still. To allow myself to enjoy the sunshine and wind blowing, the feel of a little boy's hand in yours as you traipse along, just enjoying walking for the sake of walking. Of allowing yourself to read without feeling guilty. Of taking a warm bubble bath without thinking of the million things that need to be done when you get out.
Yes, my to do list is still there, and it is growing as I look at the second half of the semester. Lots to do finishing up, and a new curriculum for next semester has to be worked up. Plus a promotion notebook that takes hours to assemble. Tonight, though, even as I worked on stuff, I've allowed myself time to think. Time to laugh. Time to just... BE.
God created the Sabbath day as a day for rest. Tomorrow, I'll be going to church and watching Caleb play two flag football games. I've got care plans to grade, lecture notes to tape, and emails to send. Even as I work, though, I've discovered that keeping a restful attitude... approaching one thing at a time... and remembering who is ultimately in control will see me through. One day at a time, minute by minute, hour by hour. And in the end, knowing that it's all His... every second.
Be still, and know that I am God... Psalm 46:10
Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him to help you do it, and He will. Psalms 37: 5 TLB
Come to me and I will give you rest -- all of you who work so hard beneath a heavy yoke. Wear my yoke -- for it fits perfectly -- and let me teach you; for I am gentle and humble, and you shall find rest for your souls; Matthew 11: 28-29
Rest for my soul... even when I don't have rest for my body. Thank You, Lord.
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