Sunday, July 7, 2013

Cultivating the Heart

"Lauren, Lauren, you are worried and upset about many things, but one thing is necessary."

One thing.

I'm the queen of to do lists... but not so much in production.  This summer, I had all kinds of plans.  Redecorating Caleb's room.  Cleaning out closets.  Working on lecture stuff.  My list goes on and on...

but still I sit.  Paralyzed, unable to know what to do next. 

So while I was on vacation, I relaxed.  I didn't think about class or work or housework. 

But my Mom did.  I came home to a clean house, an organized office, a new bedroom for Caleb. 

And a new perspective. 

There's a lot going on in life that can cause us to worry.  Jesus tells us not to worry, though.  We're to cast all of our cares on Him.  He tells us to be anxious for nothing.

What are we to do?

Pray about everything. Be continual in prayer.  Ask with a fervent heart.  Make your requests known.. not so much for Him, because He already knows, but for you.  To humble yourself, and see that you do need God. 

I need Him- that one thing that is necessary. 

And everything else will fall into place. 

So very thankful for this In the Gap study taking place on Facebook with ladies in small group Facebook studies for Melissa Ross Taylor's online Bible studies, cultivating a heart of prayer.  It's been just what the doctor ordered.  Cultivation- getting my heart ready.  Opening it up to what God has to offer.  Making sure that my heart's soil is fertile, ready for His Word to pour in, so that it can be sowed and fruitful. 

Fruitful so that I can be prepared to face whatever I will face, whatever troubles head my way. 

God knows what we need when we need it.  No worries- just that one thing that is eternal, because everything down here is temporary.  Every trouble and every worry and every bad thing that we face, every bad word spoken about us or doubt we have or struggle- it's temporary.  But His thing is permanent.  His one thing is eternal... and His grace is sufficient. 


  1. How blessed you are to have come home to have all that done!! I love your analogy of cultivating/gardening with making our heart ready for God!

    Kris (OBS Small Group Leader)

  2. Beautiful and encouraging post Laura! What a blessing you received!!

  3. Wow Lauren - your mother rocks and you do too. Loved your blog and insight. Now you can sit at Jesus' feet more with that house all organized. Debbie W. (OBS Facebook Group Leader)

  4. Great post Lauren!

  5. Hi Lauren,

    I came across your blog, and I am thankful that I did. What a powerful post. It is just what I needed. :) Thank you for sharing!

    God bless. -Ashley
