Sunday, February 9, 2014

Not a Morning Gal

So, I've been reading Made to Crave by Lysa Terkeurst.  I have been a Made to Crave drop out in the past.  It's all about making lifestyle changes, which is really hard for a picky eater like me.

But for the past year, I've been a leader in the Proverbs 31 Online Bible studies group, and the first study they chose to do was Made to Crave. So, as a leader, I can't very well drop out, right?

And I've done pretty well.  I've bought a Fitbit, which is slightly addicting.  It's really helped my exercise, because I've stayed on the treadmill until the little bracelet on my arm buzzes to let me know I've done 10,000 steps in the day...except for the three days at the beginning of the week where I had my pity party.

I'm still eating junk... but I'm not eating as much.  And I'm eating some apples along the way.  Thinking before I grab the bag of chips as I stress over the paper I just don't know how to start. 

Since we started on January 19th, I've lost 5 lbs.  It's a start.

I'm not focusing on numbers, though... because I just want to feel better. Have more energy.

Yesterday I walked the first 20 minutes on the treadmill without even realizing it had gone by.  It might have helped that my Kindle was there, or that the Cats were on, but I'd like to think that it's because I'm starting to develop the habit and get back into shape. 

We'll see when my alarm goes off at 530 in the morning... yes, this girl is getting up in the morning to exercise.  And I'm writing it here so I'll be accountable.  Because I really am not a morning person... however, Wallace has a ballgame tomorrow night, and I have to work in Hazard all day tomorrow, so if I'm determined to get my exercise in, it's got to be in the morning.

Unless there is a snow day.

Which I will take as a sign that God is smiling down on my efforts =)

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